
Be sure and imprint it well in the heart of all the Sisters that all the Daughters of Charity, who are not satisfied with God alone and who will not let themselves to be managed freely by obedience for the service of God, will never be tranquil. Neither will they sanctify themselves.

st. Magdalena di Canossa
Services of charity

Our services of charity

Faithfull to the apostolic project of our Foundress, we are engaged in the local Church to carry out the “works of charity”, that Saint Magdalene di Canossa named “constant and continuous“. We therefore dedicate our services to the most needy peple of education, evangelisation and the care of the sick.

The work that arise from our charism to "prevent sins", constantly stand upon us as an exam of the charity to God and to human being. Therefore we take care of the children and the teenagers and we pay attention to the harmonious growing of them personality and their "formation of the heart" so that they maturate in self knowing, respecting themeselves and the world around them. We help them to discolse their personal relation to God and experience that God loves them in a very personal way. The educative method is preventive, through approach with dialog and individual treatment. The canossian educative style express concurrently kindness and resoluteness, familiarity and respect, selflessness and joy. (RD 114-116) We accompany them with love and respect to recognize and realize the project of God for their life so that they could contribute in the construction of the social and the ecclesial community and trasform the world to be more and more cristian. We operate also among an adults, especially among women. We help them to grow in the sense of human and cristian dignity so that they could undertake with responsability and maturity familial and social duties.  
With the awareness that "is not the more perfect act of charity to the neigbours than doing everything that they know and love God", we engage ourselves in different form of evangelization. The charism capacitate us to undertake in the Church with an ardour a pious activities. With the strenght of divine call to share God's Words, we cooperate with the priests and the pastoral workers in order to every man and women meet Jesus Christ, a New Man who is the only answer of every question of human heart. (Dir 58).  
In the present time we continue to take care of the sick who are image of Christ. We visit them looking after them and consolating them. We help them to interpret the sense of their suffering in the light of the suffer of Jesus Christ who died and risen for every human being. With delicacy and prudence we apply ourselves to arise in them trust in God and find again the sense of their life in those who are in the way to on the mend. In those who anear to the end of their terrestrial life, we prepare them for the decisive appointment with  God the Father.  
To fulfill the range of our services od charity we organize retreats to let people meet with God during the spiritual exercises. These retreats can help every partecipant to make experience of love of God and to deep in the faith in Him. A new commandment of Christ and the charism received from the Holy Spirit, make us sensitive and solidary in relation to every human eperience of suffering and poverty. We respond "big-heartedly" for the needs of brothers and sisters and for another request of service, even those who exceed our "services of charity", with the dialogue with our Superiors and in cooperation with ecclesial and civil authorities of the territory where we are living.
The vocation to the apostolic work "ad gentes" is a part of reachness of the charism of our family. bogactwa charyzmatu naszej rodziny zakonnej. Naśladujemy apostolską gorliwość św. Magdaleny i jej gotowość do "stania się nawet prochem", aby być w świecie profetycznym znakiem miłosierdzia Ojca. Jak ona jesteśmy "gotowe do udania się w każde miejsce, aby tylko Bóg był poznany i kochany". Siostry powołane i posłane do dzielenia się orędziem zbawienia z tymi, którzy go jeszcze nie znają, czy też z młodymi Kościołami, będą żyć w radykalnej dyspozycyjności wobec wymagań Ewangelii, w oderwaniu od ojczystej ziemi i w całkowitym zawierzeniu życia Bogu. Ma ndat posłania uzdalnia je do odkrycia i docenienia "zalążków Słowa" obecnego w ludzie, do którego się włączyły. Więzy miłości, łączące wszystkie Siostry Zgromadzenia, działające w różnych częściach świata, stanowią wielkie wsparcie w trudnościach płynących z inkulturacji i głoszenia Ewangelii. Więzy te zasilają w każdej z Sióstr apostolską gorliwość o Królestwo Boże.  
From the beginning of the Institute our Foundress created a meshwork of persons dispositional to collaborate in the work in favour of the poor and needy. The potential and accomplishments of lay people who discoure in themselves germs of canossian charism, are the real and great gift of God for the Institute and for entire Church. Formation of Lay Canossian Itinerary of spiritual growing of lay poeple in the charism is sustained through a special formation and by dynamic and familial contact with the Daughters and Sons of Charity. Partecipation at the meetings make them deepen in the charism and the training of apostolate, especially in the field of education, catechesis and charitable activities. In the same time the lays share their witness of services in their environment. Whom of them desire to join Canossian family, engage himself in the sistematic formation for growing in the spirit of charity. Evangelical and carismatic values are specified in the Statutes of Lay Canosssian Association, the document approved by the Church. In comunion with Lay who belong to Canossian Family An active presence of lay, sympathizers, friends and co-workers with our family continue to be for us - as in times of Magdalene - a very important presence and support for an advancement of canossian apostolic reality. Together we can re-vivify the growing of our personal and collective consience, through initiatives and meetings inspired by credible witnesses and friutful sharing. Together we can do better because together we can reach more persons in need of sustain, of presence, needy of education, needy to feel loved by God and by the others.