
Be sure and imprint it well in the heart of all the Sisters that all the Daughters of Charity, who are not satisfied with God alone and who will not let themselves to be managed freely by obedience for the service of God, will never be tranquil. Neither will they sanctify themselves.

st. Magdalena di Canossa
To the Saint Josephine Bakhita


God, Father of mercy, who gave us Saint Josephine Bakhita like universal sister,

evangelical  example of simple faith and  active love,

donate also us of desire of the faith and love, according to  indications of the Gospel

and hear everyone who  call for her intercession.

For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Josephine Bakhita – pray for us


God, our Father, the freedom of oppressed and Consoler of the poor,

who call the mans and the women from every people and nations

to experience the blessing of faith and freedom, heat into your children desire of santity,

 the same that you had filled into Saint Josephine Bakhita, the virgin,

to be also faitfull to your commandment

and serve You with the same purity of heart. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Josephine Bakhita – pray for us


Father who in a very great mercy, przeprowadziłeś świętą Józefinę Bakhitę
ze smutnego niewolnictwa do godności Twojej córki i oblubienicy Chrystusa, daj nam ją naśladować
w miłości do Jezusa Ukrzyżowanego oraz w wytrwałości do pełnienia czynów miłości i przebaczenia.
Przez Chrystusa, Pana naszego. Amen.