Be sure and imprint it well in the heart of all the Sisters that all the Daughters of Charity, who are not satisfied with God alone and who will not let themselves to be managed freely by obedience for the service of God, will never be tranquil. Neither will they sanctify themselves.
We, Daugthers of Charity, Servants of the Poor: named Canossian Sisters, as saint Magdalene of Canossa, filled of the charism of the contemplation of Jesus Crucified, like to spread God’s love to all people of every nation, in every culture, having the only purpose the glory of God and salvation of the souls.
Our Foundress, Magdalene di Canossa, experienced personally the infinite love of God who revealed Himself in the perfect sacrifice of love in His Son Jesus Crucified.
CHRIST CRUCIFIED, contemplated in His special love to the Father and to all people, is our Model and the Foundation and qualify us to love God and the neighbours with the same love.
We place God’s Kingdom above all human interests and practice the ministries of Love:
– education,
– evangelization,
– pastoral care of the sick,
– spiritual retreats and formation of lay people.
In this way we contribute to increase the number of ‘apostles’ in the local church.
The burning thirst to MAKE JESUS KNOWN and LOVED, is the motive of all our activities. This is our mission and we try to realize it wherever we are, for all people, especially the poorest: with the style of humbleness, simplicity and gratitude.
The name we bear: Daughters od Charity Servants of the Poor, indicates the double aspects of the law of love to which we are called.
God is love, therefore we must love Him with a profound and filial love, abbandoned unconditionally to His will. We dedicate ourselves to the service of our borthers and sisters in need.
We celebrate Mary, MOTHER OF JESUS AS THE MOTHER OF LOVE WHO STANDS AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. She is our example of perfect faithfulness to God and our companion in our life pilgrimage. We constantly ask Her the grace to be docile to the Holy Spirit in order to live the charism of love to the very end.
As Mary, we ask to become what we contemplate and we learn to remain faithfull to love and extend it to others.
Our Foundress encourages us to love MARY, the MOTHER of SORROWS „as an obbligation of justice, truth and gratitude”
Many women and men of different countries of the world and of various situations, discovered, present in their hearts, the same gift of the Spirit present in Magdalene. They responded to this gift engaging their strenghts, uniqueness in sharing with others the wealth of their culture.