
Be sure and imprint it well in the heart of all the Sisters that all the Daughters of Charity, who are not satisfied with God alone and who will not let themselves to be managed freely by obedience for the service of God, will never be tranquil. Neither will they sanctify themselves.

st. Magdalena di Canossa
CANOSSIAN FOUNDATION VOICA ONLUS The Canossian Foundation VOICA ONLUS for the promotion and development of Nations -  Onlus started in Italy in 2004. The planner of the Foundation is the Institute of the Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor, Canossian Sisters. The challenge of Canossian Foundation is accettance, support and management of the projects and initiatives whose purpose is to ensure a worthy life to all who suffer, in Italy or in other places of  the world. Sensitivity and the creative genius of Saint Magdalene of Canossa is the soul of this solidarity which - thanks to continuous and generous support of many people, Sisters and lay people – is capable to respond even today to the call: “I ENTRUST TO YOU, AS MUCH AS I CAN, MY BELOVED POOR “ Today the Institute is present in 37 nations of the world. Sisters work full time in various initiatives of help, support and cristian-human interchange. The Canossian Foundation is an instrument to implement the Canossian values. FONDAMENTAL IDEA This slogan : “for a better life” extends for the good of all Nations, especially in the undeveloped countries. ACTIVITIES Through this Foundation the Sisters can help to support the fondamental needs of the poor (nutrition, protection of the weakest, health, education etc.) and at the same time accompany young people to acquire skills for their personal development. “WE MUST HAVE A HEART CAPABLE OF LOVING INTENSLY" Magdalene of Canossa CONTACT Legal address: Via della Stazione di Ottavia, 70 – 00135 Roma (RM) Italia Sr. Liliana Ugoletti – Direttore Tel: +39 06 308280676 – +39 327 3436905– e-mail: fondazione@canossian.org Giancarlo Urbani – Responsabile Progetti Tel: +39 045 597653 – e-mail: giancarlo.urbani@fondazionecanossiana.org Valeria Stecchetti – Responsabile Amministrazione Tel: +39 02 58313641 (Interno 501) – e-mail: valeria.stecchetti@fondazionecanossiana.org Lidia Roncolato – Responsabile Sostegno a  Distanza Tel: +39 045 597653 – e-mail: adozioni@fondazionecanossiana.org  
OUR CONVENTS in EUROPEAN DELEGATION: ALBANIA Moltrat Kanosiane Schen Vlasch ALBANIA Telephone +355 51124511 POLAND Zgromadzenie Córek Miłości Kanosjanek Gosławice 102 33-122 WIERZCHOSŁAWICE telephone 14 675 21 33 e-mail: kanosjanki.domrek@gmail.com www: www.kanosjanki.org.pl Zgromadzenie Córek Miłości Kanosjanek ul. Pienińska 4 30-407 KRAKÓW telephone 12 267 16 80 e-mail: kan.krakow@gmail.com www: www.kanosjanki.org.pl PORTUGAL Instituto das Filhas da Caridade Canossianas Missionárias Rua Camilo Castelo Branco 19, 2730-041 QUELUZ DE BAIXO -  Barcarena PORTOGALLO telephone +351 931 461 593   Instituto das Filhas da Caridade Canossianas Rua da Bandeirnha, 27 4050-088 PORTO PORTOGALLO telephone +351 226094768 ITALY - Residence of  European Delegation "Mater Ecclesiae" Istituto Canossiano Comunita' "Sacra Famiglia" Via Maddalena di Canossa, 6 20871 VIMERCATE (MB) ITALIA telephone +39 039 669415 reception office   Istituto Canossiano Comunita' "Nazareth" Via Maddalena di Canossa, 6 20871 VIMERCATE (MB) ITALIA telephone +39 039 669415 reception office      