Be sure and imprint it well in the heart of all the Sisters that all the Daughters of Charity, who are not satisfied with God alone and who will not let themselves to be managed freely by obedience for the service of God, will never be tranquil. Neither will they sanctify themselves.
Magdalene, inspired by the Word of God, comprehended her mission and in 1799 edited “The Plan” which revealed the greatness of her apostolic heart. She presented her Plan to the Bishop Avogadro in Verona, who was contrary to the inclination of Magdalene who desired to take care the sick. the Bishop asked her to open as soon as possible the School of Charity for the street children in Verona.
In the same year Magdalene started the work by accepting two young girls, exposed to the dangers of the street, and housed them temporalily, at her own expense, with one of her companions.
On march 1802, she moved them to a house in the Parish of the Filippini Fathers, along with a third girl. She then managed to convince two others companions to stay at the service of the girls and bought a house in the Parish of San Zeno, the filthiest and most infamous part of the town, with the intention of opening a school also for external pupils.
Unfortunately, Magdalene had to continue to live at the Canossa Palace, but she was happy also to visit these children and did not disdain to wash them, comb their hair and remove the lices.
After some years Magdalena “freed from her ties” (the death of her uncles, Carol, the small son of her brother was entrusted to the care of one protector) and therefore could start to look for a suitable building for the girls. Her eyes fell on the Monastery of Saints Joseph and Fidenzio situated is in the district of San Zeno and which had become State Property after the suppression of the Augustinian Sisters. She had to persevere tirelessly for two years before obtaining the Decree of Assignment, issued on April 1, 1808 by the Emperor, Napoleon.
The Marchioness had the most urgent repairs done immediately.
In the morning of 8 of May 1808, the third Sunday of Easter and on the feast of the patronage Saint Joseph, the great dream od Magdalene become reality: she moved her girls and teachers into the house, ex-augustinian monastery. Magdalene was 34 years old.
For some years, among her companions in this house, there was Leopoldina Naudet, who later become a Foundress of the another religious Institute: the Nuns of the Sacred Family.