
If you long to hear a sermon, put yourselves at the feet of our beloved Crucified Lord and can be sure that a word from Him will be far more beneficial than all the Lenten Sermons.

st. Magdalena di Canossa
Tuesday November 7th, 2017
Reflections from Retreat of Advent 2017
I think that the most important message for me from this retreat is that we must be vigilant: we must be always in the state od God's grace to be ready for the final coming of our Lord Jesus Christ  
Saturday June 10th, 2017
Retreat of 2010 – Koźmin Wielkopolski
Retreat: Koźmin Wielkopolski 17-19 march 2010 (90 km from Kalisz).
Saturday June 10th, 2017
The photos from formation's meeting of the juniores. Greetings to everybody!
Saturday June 10th, 2017
Retreat of Lent – March of 2017
The partecipant were from Poland and from Columbia. We hope to see again in the future...