Remember that your Spose was abandoned in the Garden of Olives and keep Him company, but in good cheer, since being in agony and drowned in a sea of pain, the sight of our saddness caused by trifles, will not give Him any comfort whatsoever.
The first very clear call to found the canossian community in Ukraine, had heard sr Elizabeth. It was in 1993 when she, together with sr Monica went for the pilgrim to one of the sanctuary of this country. Thanks to lots of contacts with the peolpe of the local Church, our Congregation had understood that the ucrainian people need so much the wittness of the faith, capable to dedicate the time, the energies, the attitudes and even the whole live to make know Jesus Christ.
The first community started to live in the city Vinnytsia, in 1995. The mission in the Parish of Friars Minor Capuchin needed help. The sisters answered for this need and especially for the question of the protection of human live after conception. The house on the photo in a clinic under the name of saint Joanna Beretta Molla.
In these years a lot of young girls who frequented sister’s convent, told them that if they would have known before about the value and santity of human live, they would not have accepted to abort their child.. Today lot of them collaborate with a great heart, with sisters for protection of human live.
Actually sueing the war in Ucraine there are not present our nuns, but are present Lay Canossian. Two of them, almost every week visit our convent to meet the refuges from east part of the country and pray wirh them.
Let us no stop to pray for the end of this so crudel war and for the conversion of the torturers.