The spirit of the feast of the Presentation asks from us that in this novena we prepare ourselves to imitate the Most Holy Virgin Mary in Her heroic constancy Her humility, Her modesty and charity.
The work that arise from our charism to “prevent sins”, constantly stand upon us as an exam of the charity to God and to human being. Therefore we take care of the children and the teenagers and we pay attention to the harmonious growing of them personality and their “formation of the heart” so that they maturate in self knowing, respecting themeselves and the world around them. We help them to discolse their personal relation to God and experience that God loves them in a very personal way.
The educative method is preventive, through approach with dialog and individual treatment. The canossian educative style express concurrently kindness and resoluteness, familiarity and respect, selflessness and joy. (RD 114-116)
We accompany them with love and respect to recognize and realize the project of God for their life so that they could contribute in the construction of the social and the ecclesial community and trasform the world to be more and more cristian.
We operate also among an adults, especially among women. We help them to grow in the sense of human and cristian dignity so that they could undertake with responsability and maturity familial and social duties.